In recent world most of the women’s are ready to work from home to generate the passive income at the leisure time for a day, so today we have come up with a top 10 businesses which can be maintained or serviced from home especially for women Entrepreneurs.

In India has a remarkable growth in business industry and huge number of women’s are interested to start a business. In last few decades women entrepreneurs has entered most of the businesses. So we have listed down some of the key business ideas here for women. Please choose and generate passive income apart from your main stream of income depending on your knowledge and skills.

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1. Cooking Services at homes

Most of the peoples in urban areas are going to office from Monday – Friday, so they are in need of cooking services from somebody else, so take an opportunity and get the orders and cook it and deliver it to their home on daily basis as per their requirements for multiple homes nearby.

2. Homemade food tiffin services

Lot of corporate offices, daily wage workers, bankers, employees of various offices are there in urban areas, so use this opportunity to provide foods for those peoples and make a business opportunity at home.

3. Online blogging

Blog on what is your niche, what you like most, so that it will drag for a longer period and its one of the most predominant domain which has pay you more money and it will also one of the best paying jobs in India.

4. Graphic Designing

Lot of demand is available in market for this job, one of the highly paid jobs as well. If you know some of the basic skills on this designer section, you can gain knowledge from YouTube and get the skills updated and take over a very highly budget projects in short span of time.

5. Aari Works

Aari work with blouse stitching, show the models and designs with customers and get a design confirmation and start the Aari work and stitch with an provided measurement and use parcel services to deliver the products to the customers, and get the amount via net banking or google pay services.

6. Content Writing

Start a blogging website and create the content as you like most, else you may provide freelancing jobs to the existing blogging website, they are spending huge amount of money to get the jobs done, you may apply for some of job postings in those websites and they may hire you to make content for their website. If you are interested and willing to join in our website as a content writer, please forward your profiles with some of the test articles to , our team will connect with you, if your profile has been shortlisted in short span of time.

7. Video Editor

Apply for some of the video editor requirements jobs online and get it placed on some of the video editing company, else provide the video editor as a free lancing work to your own Clients.

8. Online Tutoring

Education, yoga, fitness, cooking, Aari works, tailoring, any type of designing, music, management skill development etc.,

9. Freelancing jobs

Any type of free lancing jobs, editor, designer, project management, tutoring, marketing management etc.,

10. Beauty & Cosmetic

High demand among women’s, beautician courses available, setting up an beauty salon at home, offer discounts to the customers, mobile application, services like – threading, haircuts, manicures, pedicures, facials treatments, massages, skin tone treatments, spa etc., use high quality products.